:: Search

Who's Who in Dance

     Type one or several words, separated by a single space.
 Such words can be: family name, country, street, town, form of dance, function etc.
 Try alternative spellings.    Use Latin alphabet only (no accented letters, signs or symbols)

      If you get too many replies, add another word.
  You can refine your search by adding the first digits of a postal code, preceded by the country prefix (two letters and dash).
FR-75 (for Paris) DE-10 (for Berlin) US-NY (for New York state)
tango Japan ballet Paris 75015 Chicago therapy Austria choreographer Cape Town school Isadora Duncan
  Members of the CID are those who have renewed membership for the current year.
  Former members are not deleted from the Register of CID Members for some time, reminders are sent to them until their removal from the Register.



Updated : 18 hours ago
Addresses complete : 214826
Addresses incomplete : 299041
Countries & territories : 209
Profiles : 1860
     - The database has been designed primarily to facilitate international contacts.
 - It is updated every day.
 - The compilers or the CID bear no responsibility for the data included.

  They provide this Directory as a service to the international dance community, free of charge.

   :: Listing Individual

Who's Who in Dance

     Use Latin alphabet only. No words in capital letters.
 Fill ALL required fields (in bold characters) and preferably other fields too, to help other dance professionals contact you for cooperation.
 For corrections, additions, comments or help mail us : execsec@cid-world.org

I agree to be listed in the Global Dance Directory and authorize the International Dance Council to send messages to me. I can unsubscribe any time.
   Once you submit, you will receive a link to validate. Check your mail inbox.

   :: Listing Institution

Who's Who in Dance

School, company, federation, organization, business etc.
     Use Latin alphabet only. No words in capital letters.
 Fill ALL required fields (in bold characters) and preferably other fields too, to help other dance professionals contact you for cooperation.
 For corrections, additions, comments or help mail us : execsec@cid-world.org

We agree to be listed in the Global Dance Directory and authorize the International Dance Council to send messages to us. We can unsubscribe any time.
   Once you submit, you will receive a link to validate. Check your mail inbox.

   :: Mailing Listing - Validation

Who's Who in Dance

     Email addresses remain confidential, guaranteed never to be given to others or appear online.
 After submitting you will receive a link to validate.
 You can unsubscribe any time.

     The compilers of the Global Dance Directory Who's Who in Dance guarantee that email addresses submitted will never be given to others, sold or exchanged.
 These addresses will be safely stored in the compiler's server and be used only to send regular informative non-commercial messages
 by the International Dance Council, an international non-profit non-governmental association based with the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
 The compilers cannot be held responsible for incorrect email addresses submitted.
 They will delete from the database email addresses upon request by their legitimate owner, after verification of his/her identity.

   :: Listing Removal

Who's Who in Dance

     Enter your email address below and you'll be put on our Remove list,
 If you have multiple email addresses, or use email aliases please enter them as well.
 Removal requests can take up to 72 hours to be completely processed.
 We honor ALL validated removal requests

   You will receive a final notice confirming removal.

   :: Help

Who's Who in Dance

Listing guidelines

Please do not confuse between:
a) listing in the Directory, which is open and free of charge,
b) becoming a Member of the CID, which is after approval of credentials and payment of membership fee.

CID members receive every year a letter of confirmation of membership signed by the President of CID.

To apply for CID membership go to Information / Membership

1. Search the Global Directory for similar listings. Check if you are already listed.
2. Language is English. Names or persons or organizations can also be written in the original language.
3. No words in capital letters. Avoid abbreviations.
4. Listing in the Directory does not imply any obligation by CID.

The fields

- Mr. for all males, Ms. for all females. Dr. or other titles after Mr. or Ms.

- One name per entry.
- When two persons have positions in the same Organization, fill two forms.
- Maximum 50 characters and spaces

- Name of the Organization (school, company, magazine, group, business, foundation, association etc.) in English. You can write it also in the original language (in brackets).
- Maximum 100 characters and spaces

- Examples: U.S.A., U.K., Austria, Czech Republic
- Maximum 50 characters and spaces

- Postal code (after the two-letter prefix for the country, if you know it), then locality (municipality, county). Eventually, after comma, the province, state or region.
- Maximum 50 characters and spaces

Street and number
- Number before or after the street name, according to usage in the country. Do not translate terms like Street, Place, Avenue etc. Avoid abbreviations if space available.
- Maximum 50 characters and spaces.

Email address
- Email addresses never appear online, to avoid spamming. They are guaranteed to remain confidential, never sold or given to others.
- Maximum 50 characters and spaces.
- Write a second email address or a third one, within the Activities field.

Website URL
- Write a second URL (after a semicolon ; ) if space available
- Maximum 100 characters and spaces

Telephone, Fax, Mobile
- Include prefix for out-of-country dialing. Examples: +1 960 365 4529 for the USA or Canada, fax +49 30 428 3538 for Germany.
- After each number you can write w for work, or h for home
- Maximum 100 characters and spaces.

Describe your actual and previous work, your studies and specialization. This field is used for searches, so include keywords such as:
- Category: Teacher, Choreographer, Supplier, Critic, Researcher, School, Company, Group
- Kind of dance: ballet, folk, modern, samba, ballroom, tango
- For folk dance, specify: Irish, Israeli, Russian, International
- Type of activity: amateur, professional, recreational, performing, education, therapy
- Other details: write simply what you do, what distinguishes you from others
- No advertisements, no value judgements (avoid verbs and adjectives)
- Maximum 250 characters and spaces

International Dance Council      -      Conseil International de la Danse
CID c/o UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis, FR-75732 Paris 15, France
Tel. +33 1 4568 4953     Mob. +33 6 1155 3111       www.cid-world.org     ExecSec@cid-world.org